• To make correspondence on the investments of our university with the Prime Ministry, Public Procurement Authority, Court of Accounts, Ministry of Finance, Undersecretariat of SPO,
  • To make correspondence on the investments with the Rectorate, Departments, Faculties, Governorship and to conduct procedures,
  • To realize the accrual transactions about the projects of University Investment Program,
  • To prepare the investment budget of the construction works of our university
  • To follow the investment allowances,
  • In accordance with the existing legislation, to carry out tender processes of the branch,
  • To carry out tender processes of the construction, renovation and major repair and supply of infrastructure facilities and installations,
  • To prepare the organization chart, strategic plan, performance program, annual report, period realization reports of the department,
  • Within the scope of article 44 of the Public Financial Management and Control Law No. 5018, recording and controlling the transactions of movable goods in the branch,
  • To supervise the full taking of work and worker safety measures, to apply / enforce the provisions related to "Occupational Health and Law" No. 6331 while working,
  • To develop web page of the department and to update it every three months,
  • To perform other duties assigned by the head of the department.