Duty, Authorisation and Responsibilities
According to Article 28 of the Decree Law of Higher Education Institutions and the Administrative Organization of Higher Education Institutions these are the duties of the department:
• To prepare projects of university buildings and facilities, to prepare tender files, to carry out tender processes about construction and repair, to check and receive construction, to conduct maintenance and repair works,
• To conduct maintenance and repair works about heating, boiler room, cold room, generator, ventilation systems and telephone plant, landscaping and vehicle operation, elevator.
• Authority to make decisions, take measures and implement the duties related to the department in accordance with the programs deemed appropriate by the Rectorate
• Authority to make recommendations to the Secretary-General to take new precaution and authorizations which might be need to conduct the duties healthier, quicker and more efficient
• Authority to grant excuse leave for the personnel affiliated to the department for up to half a day, to determine the annual leave usage times, to make recommendations to the Secretary General for personnel procedures such as appreciation, reward, and displacement,
• Authority to make recommendations to the Secretary General to take new precaution and authorizations
• Authority of the staff of the registry as the registry supervisor and to propose disciplinary penalties stipulated in the disciplinary regulations.
Responsibility towards the Secretary General for the fulfillment of the duties in accordance with the Constitution, Law, Decree Law and the provisions of the regulations, communiqués, circulars and other legislations issued accordingly.
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